Friday, January 3, 2014


LONG DOWN CANDLESTICK: strong selling pressure, prices declined from open to close, sellers were aggressive. The body of the candlestick is DOWN and long, the body of the candlestick is relative to the other candlesticks on the chart, the lengths of the shadows are not important. This candlestick is generally bearish, If a potential turning point is seen after a long and significant decline, it may point to excessive bearishness.
LONG UP CANDLESTICK: strong buying pressure, prices advanced from open to close, buyers were aggressive. The body of the candlestick is UP white and LONG, the UP body of the candlestick is relative to the other candlesticks on the chart, the lengths of the shadows are not important. This candlestick is generally bullish, if a potential turning point is seen after a long and significant rally, it may point to excessive bullishness.

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